키보드 키의 이름 : Key simbol of GUI for Python
출처 Key simbols : http://www.tcl.tk/man/tcl8.4/TkCmd/keysyms.htm
key simbolkey codekeysym_numKey
Alt_L | 64 | 65513 | The left-hand alt key |
Alt_R | 113 | 65514 | The right-hand alt key |
BackSpace | 22 | 65288 | backspace |
Cancel | 110 | 65387 | break |
Caps_Lock | 66 | 65549 | CapsLock |
Control_L | 37 | 65507 | The left-hand control key |
Control_R | 109 | 65508 | The right-hand control key |
Delete | 107 | 65535 | Delete |
Down | 104 | 65364 | ↓ |
End | 103 | 65367 | end |
Escape | 9 | 65307 | esc |
Execute | 111 | 65378 | SysReq |
F1 | 67 | 65470 | Function key F1 |
F2 | 68 | 65471 | Function key F2 |
Fi | 66+i | 65469+i | Function key Fi |
F12 | 96 | 65481 | Function key F12 |
Home | 97 | 65360 | home |
Insert | 106 | 65379 | insert |
Left | 100 | 65361 | ← |
Linefeed | 54 | 106 | Linefeed (control-J) |
KP_0 | 90 | 65438 | 0 on the keypad |
KP_1 | 87 | 65436 | 1 on the keypad |
KP_2 | 88 | 65433 | 2 on the keypad |
KP_3 | 89 | 65435 | 3 on the keypad |
KP_4 | 83 | 65430 | 4 on the keypad |
KP_5 | 84 | 65437 | 5 on the keypad |
KP_6 | 85 | 65432 | 6 on the keypad |
KP_7 | 79 | 65429 | 7 on the keypad |
KP_8 | 80 | 65431 | 8 on the keypad |
KP_9 | 81 | 65434 | 9 on the keypad |
KP_Add | 86 | 65451 | + on the keypad |
KP_Begin | 84 | 65437 | The center key (same key as 5) on the keypad |
KP_Decimal | 91 | 65439 | Decimal (.) on the keypad |
KP_Delete | 91 | 65439 | delete on the keypad |
KP_Divide | 112 | 65455 | / on the keypad |
KP_Down | 88 | 65433 | ↓ on the keypad |
KP_End | 87 | 65436 | end on the keypad |
KP_Enter | 108 | 65421 | enter on the keypad |
KP_Home | 79 | 65429 | home on the keypad |
KP_Insert | 90 | 65438 | insert on the keypad |
KP_Left | 83 | 65430 | ← on the keypad |
KP_Multiply | 63 | 65450 | × on the keypad |
KP_Next | 89 | 65435 | PageDown on the keypad |
KP_Prior | 81 | 65434 | PageUp on the keypad |
KP_Right | 85 | 65432 | → on the keypad |
KP_Subtract | 82 | 65453 | - on the keypad |
KP_Up | 80 | 65431 | ↑ on the keypad |
Next | 105 | 65366 | PageDown |
Num_Lock | 77 | 65407 | NumLock |
Pause | 110 | 65299 | pause |
111 | 65377 | PrintScrn | |
Prior | 99 | 65365 | PageUp |
Return | 36 | 65293 | The enter key (control-M). The name Enter refers to a mouse-related event, not a keypress; see Section 54, “Events” |
Right | 102 | 65363 | → |
Scroll_Lock | 78 | 65300 | ScrollLock |
Shift_L | 50 | 65505 | The left-hand shift key |
Shift_R | 62 | 65506 | The right-hand shift key |
Tab | 23 | 65289 | The tab key |
Up | 98 | 65362 | ↑ |
space | 32 | " " |
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